Professional teeth whitening can help to brighten your smile and restore your self-confidence. Today, our Surrey and Delta dentist explains how the professional teeth whitening process works here at Surdel Dental Centre.
Teeth will naturally darken as we age, but lifestyle choices can also cause our teeth to stain or discolour. Certain medications, smoking, or frequently enjoying dark coloured food and drinks such as curry, cola, coffee, and tea can cause your smile to look less bright than it once did.
Professional teeth whitening at Surdel Dental Centre is a simple and non-invasive way make your smile bright again.
Our Surrey and Delta dental professionals offer our patients custom teeth whitening systems that can be used at home to remove stains and make your smile bright.
Our Professional Teeth Whitening Process
When you come to our office for your first whitening appointment, we will make impressions of your teeth, which will be used to create your custom teeth whitening trays.
Whitening trays are lightweight and comfortable to use, and can be worn while you are awake or asleep. In fact, they are so thin and easy to wear that you'll even be able to talk and work while wearing them.
When you return to our office for your second appointment, you will receive your trays, bleaching solution, and detailed instructions on how to apply the solution and how long you need to use the whitening treatment each day.
Most teeth whitening systems take 10-14 days to achieve best results.
Once you have finished your whitening treatment be sure to store your trays in a safe place. When it's time for a touch-up you will be able to reuse your custom fitted trays, just contact our office when you require more whitening solution.